There are 2 methods of searching for a tutor. Both services are FREE OF CHARGE for parents and students.
Method 1
You can search for tutors from our Tutor Listing, then contact and deal directly with the tutor you prefer. All tutors listed in our website are serious tutors and has been verified by our. will not involve in the tuition fee and time negotiation, parent / student can directly discuss this with the tutor.
Parent / Student -> Tutors Listing -> Tutor
Method 2
Contact our consultants, Mr Lai at 018-3822330 to look for tutors.
Alternatively, you can fill up the online request form. We will help you with personalized matching of tutors to your requirements. You will be contacted immediately once a match is found. Your details will be kept confidential.
Parent / Student -> consultant -> Tutor
Parent / Student -> online request form -> Tutor