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    Tutor (AKASH SURI) Information

    Tutor Details
    Tutor ID 25416
    Tutor Name AKASH SURI
    56 year old Indian man   56 year old indian man
    Cover Area Setapak, Ampang, Danau Kota
    Qualification Masters Degree in Engineering
    Experience 15 years
    Current Occupation Others
    Available Time Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night
    Subjects Offered
    Secondary UpperModern Math

    Secondary LowerEnglish

    Description Of Tuition Service
      I have had more than ten (10) years of teaching experience, having taught hundreds of students. This includes teaching in Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur [Year & ] and KDU University College [Year & ]. My special subjects are Chemistry [IGCSE & SPM] and Mathematics [SPM]. In addition, I also teach Mathematics from Form 1 to Form 3. Further, I have taught English from Form 1 to Form 5 and IELTS & TOEFL examination preparation. All my students are noted to have made substantial or advanced improvements in the subjects being tutored.

    If you (parents / students) would like this tutor (AKASH SURI) to contact you, you may submit the tutor query form or call our consultant Mr Lai at 018-3822330. This service only available for parents and students.
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